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The 67th NJ Academy of Science Virtual Research Competition

This year marked the NJ Academy of Science (NJAS) 67th anniversary of bringing students and researchers together to exchange scientific ideas together.  Due to the COVID-19 health crisis, the NJ Academy of Science (NJAS) 67th annual meeting continued to be a  virtual research competition, where each participants were given chances to make their presentations via zoom. Over 100 students participated in this year's research competition.

The virtual research competition gives students (High school, undergraduate and graduate students) a chance to present original scientific research and compete for the opportunity to have their research abstract published, to compete at the 2022 national  American Junior Academy of Science (junior academy level), or serve as the NJ Academy of Science delegate at the 2023 American Association for the Advancement of Science (senior academy level).

The NJAS Board would like to Congratulate all the participants for their support and commitment to science. Please see below for the 2022 NJ Academy of Science Virtual Research Competition Winners.

WinnersPlaceCategories for Junior Academyschool
Sreeja ParuchuriFirstBotanyHigh Technology High School
Brianna Melanie SuliguinFirstBotanyMarine Academy of Technology & Environmental Science
Andy ZhaoFirstCellular/Molecular BiologyTenafly High School
Crystal YeSecondCellular/Molecular BiologyTenafly High School
Mirika JambudiFirstCellular/Molecular BiologyThe Pingry School
Param MalikSecondCellular/Molecular BiologyAcademies at Englewood
Yuanning HuiFirstCellular/Molecular BiologyTenafly High School
Subin PyoFirstCellular/Molecular BiologyTenafly High School
Isabel DubovFirstChemistry/biochemistry/PhysicsTenafly High School
Harshni PatelSecondChemistry/biochemistry/PhysicsJose Marti STEM Academy
Daniel ZlotnickFirstChemistry/biochemistry/PhysicsHigh Technology High School
Jue GongSecondChemistry/biochemistry/PhysicsHigh Technology High School
Samhita PokkunuriFirstEngineeringOld Bridge High School
Nikhil OsuriSecondEngineeringHigh Technology High School
Ayush BobraFirstEnvironmental/EcologyHigh Technology High School
Andrew VolynskySecondEnvironmental/EcologyTenafly High School
Karen TsangFirstEnvironmental/EcologyMarine Academy of Technology & Environmental Science
Katherine FangSecondEnvironmental/EcologyHigh Technology High School
Victoria YakesFirstEnvironmental/EcologyMarine Academy of Technology & Environmental Science
Sean KimSecondEnvironmental/EcologyTenafly High School
Jonathan LevySecondEnvironmental/EcologyTenafly High School
Evan XieFirst PlaceMath/ComputationalThe Pingry School
Bhushan MohanrajSecondMath/ComputationalLawrenceville School
Ishir RaoFirstMath/ComputationalChatham High School
Zack SunSecondMath/ComputationalTenafly High School
Gabrielle EimbinderFirstMedicine/ HealthTenafly High School
Cynthia JacobFirstMedicine/ HealthBergen County Academies
Elliot YoonFirstMedicine/ HealthTenafly High School
Hanyi DengSecondMedicine/ HealthHigh Technology High School
Angelina MelgarFirstMedicine/ HealthJose Marti STEM Academy
Sahasra PokkunuriFirstMedicine/ HealthOld Bridge High School
Julietta OnofriettiFirstMedicine/ HealthToms River High School North
Yuvna MusukuFirstMedicine/ HealthHigh Technology High School
Trinity HansenSecondMedicine/ HealthBergen County Academies
Kevin LiuFirstMicrobiologyHigh Technology High School
Emily MatthewSecondMicrobiologyJose Marti STEM Academy
Naia MarcelinoFirstPsychology/Animal BehaviorJose Marti STEM Academy
Megan ThomasSecondPsychology/Animal BehaviorMarine Academy of Technology & Environmental Science

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